// 字節跳動的聯合創始人張一鳴在香港成立了一家投資公司,這表明他在退出社交媒體巨頭的領導職務後計劃開啟新的篇章。根據香港公司註冊處的文件,上週成立的Cool River Venture HK Ltd.將張一鳴列為唯一的董事。

ByteDance Ltd. co-founder Zhang Yiming has set up an investment company in Hong Kong, indicating he’s planning a new chapter after quitting his leadership roles at the social-media giant in 2021. Cool River Venture HK Ltd., incorporated last week, lists Zhang as its sole director, a filing from the Hong Kong Companies Registry shows https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bytedance-co-founder-sets-venture-075725221.html //