// Accenture has recently released the report “Reinventing Enterprise Operations”, which surveyed 1,700 senior executives from 1,657 institutions to analyze the maturity of institutions’ operations in different areas. According to the report, almost 90% of enterprises are using AI technology to improve operational resilience to varying degrees, with the most popular applications including using language models for financial forecasting (89%) and discovering suppliers (88%). Moreover, 73% of enterprises said that AI is their top priority for digital investment.

Accenture 最近發表《Reinventing Enterprise Operations》報告,訪問了 1,657 個機構的 1,700 名高層人員,分析機構在不同範疇的營運成熟程度。據報告顯示,有接近九成的企業正在不同程度上使用 AI 技術來提升營運韌性,其中最普及的應用包括使用語言模型進行財務預測 (89%) 和發掘供應商 (88%)。其中更有 73% 企業表示以 AI 作為最優先的數碼投資項目。 https://unwire.pro/2023/05/03/accenture-2/ai/ //