// 避免無人區 – 當我們把大部分工作都轉移到機器上時,人就不再掌控。存在一個無人區,人仍需要做出決策,但卻不能掌握結果。在這個光譜的遠端,使用者感覺自己就像是機器操作員:只是按下按鈕,機器就在工作。操作機器並沒有太多技藝可言。

Avoid No man’s land – once we offload the majority of the work to a machine, the human is no longer in control. There’s a No man’s land where the human is still required to make decisions, but they’re not in control of the outcome. At the far end of the spectrum, users feel like machine operators: they’re just pressing buttons and the machine is doing the work. There isn’t much craft in operating a machine. https://wattenberger.com/thoughts/boo-chatbots //