// Geoffrey Hinton has stated that the competition between tech giants is causing companies to release AI technologies at a dangerous pace, which can harm job opportunities and promote the spread of fake information. Hinton said, “There are no preventative measures that can be seen to limit bad actors from using AI for bad things.” Although many people have started to learn how to use AI for work, Hinton believes that rapidly developing chatbots like ChatGPT will cause human unemployment. Hinton also warned that AI could help spread fake news, and that soon the internet will be filled with fake news, AI-generated fake videos and photos, and that “ordinary people cannot distinguish between truth and falsehood.”

Geoffrey Hinton 表示,科技巨頭間的競爭使各大公司以危險的速度發布 AI 技術,一方面會損害工作機會,另一方面會助長假信息傳播。Hinton 稱:「現時看不到有任何預防措施可以用於限制不良份子利用 AI 來做壞事。」Hinton 認為雖然現時有很多人已開始學會用 AI 輔助工作,但像 ChatGPT 這種發展迅速的聊天機械人會導致人類失業。Hinton 亦警告,AI 可能會助長虛假消息傳播,不久以後網絡上將會充斥假消息、AI 生成的虛假影片和相片等,更指「普通人無從分辨真假」。 https://unwire.hk/2023/05/02/geoffrey-hinton-warn-ai-threat/fun-tech/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=geoffrey-hinton-warn-ai-threat //