// The US Department of Defense already has policies in place that require human involvement in the decision to launch a nuclear weapon, but this legislation further codifies it into law. Senator Ed Markey stated, “We need to ensure that humans are kept in the loop when making life-or-death decisions about using lethal force, particularly when it comes to our most dangerous weapons

美國國防部本身已經有政策規定人類必須在核彈發射的決策下有參與成分,今次立法則是進一步將其立法進行規管。參議員 Ed Markey 表示:「我們需要讓人類在做出使用致命武力的生死決定時保持清醒,特別是針對我們最危險的武器。」 https://unwire.hk/2023/04/30/legislation-to-prevent-ai-from-launching-a-nuclear-weapon/fun-tech/ //