// 01Fintech 是一家位於香港的公司,由前螞蟻金服國際投資和投後負責人 Kenny Man 領導,於2022年10月推出了一個3億美元的亞太基金。該基金得到了許多知名投資者的支持,包括David Vélez、菲律賓的阿亞拉家族以及該國電信巨頭Globe的CEO Ernest Cu。

Based in Hong Kong, 01Fintech is led by Kenny Man, who was Ant Group’s international investment and post-investment head. They launched a US$300 million Asia-Pacific fund in October 2022. It is backed by notable investors such as David Vélez, the Philippines’ Ayala family, and Ernest Cu, CEO of the country’s telco giant Globe https://www.techinasia.com/sinar-mas-group-invests-in-ex-ant-group-exec-pe-firm //