// 香港電商聯會主席的袁念祖(Joseph),就話 ChatGPT 的出現,電商已經不可以像以前一樣,靠刷流量做大平台來壟斷市場,他甚至大膽預言像阿里巴巴、京東等大型電商,如果不及早開放平台與市場上其他持分者合作,遲早會有被取締的一日。

Joseph Yuen, Chairman of the Hong Kong eCommerce Association, commented on the emergence of ChatGPT, stating that e-commerce platforms can no longer rely on inflating traffic to dominate the market as they did in the past. He even boldly predicted that major e-commerce players like Alibaba and JD.com, if they do not open up their platforms and collaborate with other stakeholders in the market, will eventually face regulatory crackdown. https://unwire.pro/2023/07/13/web3-ecommerce-in-hong-kong/feature/ //