// 運輸署研究小組成員兼香港汽車會會長李耀培透露,政府最快今年底就上述工具合法化,但只可於指定的單車徑行駛,並擬要求製造商限制時速最高25公里,一旦超速就須自動斷電。至於俗稱「風火輪」的電動單輪車,因未必有車頭燈和有效的煞車制動系統,不符合安全規定,繼續禁在港使用。

Transport Department research team member and Hong Kong Automobile Association President, Li Yiu-pui, revealed that the government is aiming to legalize the above-mentioned tool as early as the end of this year, but it will only be allowed to operate on designated bike paths and manufacturers will be required to limit the maximum speed to 25 kilometers per hour. http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=132752 //