上周日,美國市場最震撼的消息,Blizzard母公司Vivendi,宣佈收購老牌遊戲公司Activision,合併兩間公司,成立Activision Blizzard。聯婚後,該公司市值超過EA,成為全球最大的遊戲公司。
兩間公司各有長處:Blizzard擅於多人角色扮演、即時戰略型產品,WoW、Starcraft就是他們的成名之作。那邊廂Activision,則擅長跟電影合作出遊戲,名作包括蜘蛛俠、史力加。Activision潮流觸覺強,旗下有CallofDuty、Guitar Hero等熱賣遊戲系列。市場普遍認為,今次聯婚可互補長短,乃天作之合。
其次,Blizzard在WoW的成功後,遲遲未有新遊戲推出。不過開發遊戲的最重要資源,照計Blizzard有WoW這頭超級現金牛,資源應長使長有,所欠缺的不外乎創意。Activision這間三十年歷史的老店,創意長用長有,將來兩間公司的Game Design Team一齊發功brainstorm,應該可為玩家炮製些超強的遊戲。
December 11, 2007 at 4:46 pm
I agree that both are very great game companies. “WOW + Guitar Hero” is definitely cashcow for the new company. But i don’t really see the synergy in this merger. Of course you can argue that they can lower the distribution and r&d cost when combined. But, in the game business, different teams work together in small teams, it’s very hard to combine resources to speed up game development. Anyway, at least we can now long one ticker to invest in 2 of the most profitable game in 2007. Tks