// Artificial intelligence surveillance cameras will streamline the process by automatically recording the license plate and information of vehicles involved when littering is detected. The recorded data will be transmitted to the control centre of law enforcement agencies, where personnel will verify the footage and issue fines, with a maximum fine of £100.

人工智能監視鏡頭會將程序簡化,當監測到亂抛垃圾的情況,就會自動記錄涉事車輛的車牌和資料,然後傳送到執法機關的控制中心,由人員最後核實影像和發出告票,告票罰款最高可達 100 英鎊)
https://unwire.hk/2023/05/11/ai-litter-cameras-highways-uk/life-tech/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ai-litter-cameras-highways-uk //