// Virgin Galactic announced that they have successfully completed the Unity 25 test flight mission of VSS Unity. This test primarily focused on the final evaluation of the upgraded “mothership” VMS Eve, as well as the spacecraft system and passenger experience. Notably, this mission also included the first female astronaut, Jamila Gilbert, from New Mexico

維珍銀河宣佈,他們終於順利完成了 VSS Unity 的 Unity 25 試飛任務,今次測試主要是對其升級版「母船」VMS Eve 進行最終測試,以及太空船系統和乘客體驗等等。而今次測試任務之中,也加入了首名來自新墨西哥州的女太空人 Jamila Gilbert。 https://unwire.hk/2023/05/27/virgin-galactic-unity-25-spaceflight-final-test/fun-tech/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=virgin-galactic-unity-25-spaceflight-final-test //