// 本次加速器計劃為先導項目提供實測場景,參與初創在華懋集團旗下9個指定商業房地產項目完成測試,並收集相關數據以驗證其創新方案。華懋亦會提供即時用戶反饋,以便初創提升方案被市場採納的機會,包括從事空氣淨化的智耘科技、機械人公司Rice Robotics,以及可進行外牆檢查的方維機械人等

Participating startups will conduct tests at nine designated commercial real estate projects under the Chinachem Group and collect relevant data to validate their innovative solutions. This includes companies engaged in air purification like Smart Agriculture Technology, robot company Rice Robotics, and Forward Robotics, which can conduct exterior wall inspections. http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=132951 //