// 成立於2018年的Dayta AI,是香港一間零售分析軟件即服務(SaaS)公司,利用現有攝像頭收集訪客的行為數據,並為客戶生成可行見解。旗下產品Cyclops以計算機視覺和商業智能等技術,為線下零售商改良其銷售、客流量及營運模式。

Founded in 2018, Dayta AI is a Hong Kong-based retail analytics software-as-a-service (SaaS) company. It utilizes existing cameras to collect visitor behavior data and generate actionable insights for its clients. Its flagship product, Cyclops, leverages technologies such as computer vision and business intelligence to improve sales, foot traffic, and operational models for offline retailers. http://ejtech.hkej.com/?p=135888 //