// 李家超指出,港府熱烈歡迎《河套規劃》,會繼續積極攜手廣東省和深圳市政府,共同推動深港科技創新合作區的發展,實踐「一國兩制」下「一河兩岸」的「一區兩園」,為合作區滙聚深港兩地優勢,實現創科深度合作的橋頭堡。

John Lee pointed out that the Hong Kong government warmly welcomes the “Lok Ma Chau Loop Plan” and will continue to actively collaborate with the Guangdong Province and Shenzhen Municipal government to jointly promote the development of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Cooperation Zone. This aims to implement the “one country, two systems” principle in the context of “one region, two parks,” creating a foundation for in-depth collaboration in the field of innovation and technology between the two regions. http://ejtech.hkej.com/?p=138126 //