// The news suggests that the popular Chinese app, Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book), has been preparing for an independent large-scale model team since March. The department is currently kept confidential, and the department head will be Zhang Debing, who previously served as the head of intelligent multimedia algorithms at Xiaohongshu, mainly responsible for video and audio algorithms. He has also been the head of the “Multi-Modal Intelligent Creation Group” at another company, “Kuaishou”.

消息指中國著名應用程式小紅書在 3 月時已籌備獨立大模型團隊,暫時該部門是保密狀態,而部門主管將會是張德兵,他曾擔任小紅書的智能多媒體演算法負責人,主要負責影片及聲音演算法。加上他亦曾擔任另一間公司「快手」的「多模態智能創作組」負責人 https://unwire.hk/2023/05/08/xiaohongshu/fun-tech/ //