// Chris Sander, head of the Systems Biology Laboratory at Harvard Medical School and one of the researchers, said that cancer cells often develop slowly in the human body over many years until the disease gains the upper hand. Artificial intelligence systems can attempt to learn from signs in the body that may be related to this gradual change.

哈佛醫學院系統生物學系實驗室負責人 Chris Sander 表示,癌細胞在人體中逐漸發展,往往要經過許多年,而且相當緩慢,直到疾病佔據上風。而人工智能系統可以試圖從人體中可能與這種逐漸變化有關的跡象中學習。」 https://unwire.pro/2023/05/10/ai-can-predict-pancreatic-cancer-three-years-ahead-of-human-doctors/ai/ //