// In order to retain local talent, the government has introduced new measures to significantly increase the benefits for talents in the Talent List starting from April. The subsidy for doctoral graduates’ salary has been raised to HKD 45,000 per month, and each individual can receive funding for up to 3 years. This is a significant help for both the individuals themselves and high-tech companies or relevant employers.

為了挽留本地人才,政府提出新措施,自4月起大幅調高人才庫人才的待遇,博士畢業生薪酬待遇的津貼額提升到每月4.5萬元,每人可以獲得3年的資助,這無論對於本人還是高科技企業或相關用人單位,都是很大的幫助。 http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=134460 //