// Ampd Energy研發的儲能系統具備數據分析功能,獲不少地產商應用於建築項目中。該企核心產品為以鋰離子電池供電的淨能櫃(Enertainer),聲稱較傳統柴油發電機安靜近32倍,能減85%二氧化碳排放量。目前為止,該淨能櫃在全球安裝超過200台

Ampd Energy has developed an energy storage system with data analytics capabilities, which has been adopted by numerous real estate developers for their construction projects. The company’s core product is the Enertainer, a clean energy cabinet powered by lithium-ion batteries. It claims to be nearly 32 times quieter than traditional diesel generators and can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 85%. To date, over 200 units of the Enertainer have been installed worldwide. http://ejtech.hkej.com/?p=135446 //