// “Pangu Chat” will primarily focus on political and enterprise applications, rather than being directly accessible to general consumers like ChatGPT. Analysts point out that Huawei has a more comprehensive industry chain and computing power allocation capability compared to other Chinese technology companies. When training the trillion-parameter Pangu model, Huawei utilized over 2,000 of its self-developed “Ascend 910” commercial AI chips. Huawei has also stated that the training cost for large-scale models over a span of three years amounted to a staggering 960 million Chinese yuan, indicating significant investment.

「盤古 Chat」將會主要針對政治和企業應用而設,並非像 ChatGPT 一樣直接向一般消費者開放。分析指華為比其他中國科技企業擁有更完整的產業鏈和算力調配能力,之前在訓練千億參數的盤古大模型時就採用了逾 2,000 個自家「昇腾 910」商用 AI 晶片,華為也曾表示 3 年間的大模型訓練成本高達 9.6 億人民幣,所費不菲 https://unwire.hk/2023/06/04/huawei-pangu-chat/fun-tech/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=huawei-pangu-chat //