// Google hosted the Google I/O developer conference at its headquarters in California, marking the first in-person event in three years. During the keynote speech, CEO Sundar Pichai introduced not only the Google Pixel 7a smartphone and Pixel Tablet but also unveiled Google Bard, an AI-powered chatbot. The chatbot is now available in over 180 countries worldwide, with the exception of Hong Kong.

Google 今日在加州總部舉辦 Google I/O 開發者大會,3 年來首次以實體會議方式舉行。在主題演講中 CEO Sundar Pichai 除介紹了 Google Pixel 7a 智能手機、Pixel Tablet 平板電腦之外,也發表了Google Bard AI 人工智能聊天機械人,即日開放全球逾 180 個國家地區使用(香港除外)。
https://unwire.hk/2023/05/11/bard-ai-language/life-tech/ //