// Wendy, the teacher, mentioned that she has been using GoodNotes for 4-5 years. In addition to using it for mathematics, which is her main subject, she also uses GoodNotes for other science subjects such as biology and chemistry, where handwritten notes are commonly used. Students also utilize GoodNotes for note-taking.

Wendy 老師表示已經用了 GoodNotes 4-5 年。她任教的中學除用於數學科,其他理科如生物、化學等較常用上手寫輔助的科目,學生們亦會利用 GoodNotes 做筆記。Wendy 表示 GoodNotes 大幅便利了她教學,因為數學經常需要手寫畫圖和解構公式,加上 GoodNotes 具備共同編輯功能,可容許幾個同學同時解題。 https://unwire.hk/2023/05/24/goodnotes-usage-in-education/people-interview/ //