// The government plans to strengthen its crackdown on fraudulent activities, which includes a comprehensive ban on telemarketing of financial products. Legal investment products, cryptocurrencies, and insurance products of financial institutions will be regulated and cannot be telemarketed. The new measures will also prohibit the random distribution of large numbers of text messages using phone cards, and regulate the display of incoming call numbers. These new measures to combat fraud will be implemented this summer.

政府計劃加強打擊欺詐活動,當中包括全面禁止利用電話推銷金融產品,合法金融機構的投資產品、加密貨幣和保險產品等都會被納入規管,不可以電話推銷。新措施還會禁止使用電話卡隨機發放大量短訊,亦會對變更來電號碼顯示作出規管,上述打擊欺詐活動的新措施將會在今年夏季實施 https://unwire.hk/2023/05/07/uk-ban-cold-call-and-form-anti-fraud-team/life-tech/ //