// Huawei announced at the 2023 Shanghai MWC exhibition that it will release end-to-end 5.5G commercial products in 2024. However, further details about the products have not been disclosed yet. Huawei’s Vice Chairman, Meng Wanzhou, mentioned during the event that the development prospects of 5.5G are unlimited and inevitable, and it is expected to be ten times better than 5G products in terms of usability.

華為在 2023 上海 MWC 展會上宣佈,將會在 2024 年發佈端到端的 5.5G 商用產品,目前尚未透露更多產品相關消息。華為副董事長孟晚舟會上指,5.5G 的發展前景無可限量且勢在必行,預料比 5G 產品好用 10 倍。 https://unwire.hk/2023/06/30/huawei-to-launch-5-5g-network-in-2024-which-will-be-10-times-faster-than-5g/life-tech/ //