// Rishi Sunak 在倫敦一個科技會議上表示:「如果我們除了想保持我們作為世界科技之都之一的地位,還想更進一步使英國成為世界上最適合開設、發展和投資科技企業的國家,我們必須採取行動,並迅速採取行動。」

Rishi Sunak, speaking at London Tech Week, said, “If we not only want to maintain our position as one of the world’s tech capitals but also want to go further and make the UK the best country in the world to start, grow, and invest in tech companies, we must take action, and take action quickly.” https://unwire.pro/2023/06/14/british-prime-minister-rishi-sunak-pitches-uk-as-home-of-a-i-safety-regulation/ai/ //