// n a factory, a workshop director may want to know if there were any violations in the assembly line. In the past, they had to sift through dense databases such as Excel spreadsheets and surveillance videos to find clues. But now, all they need to do is ask in the dialog box of “AI”: Which deliveryman in Chaoyang District had a delivery volume of less than 2000 last week? Dai Wenyuan believes that another route to AGI (general artificial intelligence) in the future is to remodel all current software.

比如工廠,車間主任想知道流水線有沒有違規操作——在過去,他們要從密密麻麻的Excel表格、監控視頻等數據庫中找尋蛛絲馬跡,但現在,只需要在“式說”的對話框中提問:上周朝陽區有哪些快遞員送件量在2000以下?戴文淵認為,未來另一條AGI(通用人工智能)的路線,是把現在所有軟件改造一遍。 https://36kr.com/p/2230302696035464 //