// According to reports, in a simulated test, a drone operated by artificial intelligence (AI) was obstructed by a human operator during a mission. The unexpected response from the drone was to “attack” the operator, taking action to prevent interference. No one was harmed in the incident, but it has raised concerns about potential risks associated with AI technology. A spokesperson for the Air Force denied conducting such tests.

美國空軍據報在一次模擬測試中,一架由人工智能(AI)操作的無人機執行任務時,遭人類操作員阻撓,無人機採取出乎意料的策略,決定「擊殺」操作員,防止行動受干預。事件中無人傷,但再次引發AI技術潛在風險憂慮。空軍發言人否認曾進行相關測試。 http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=134634 //