// HKU has announced the establishment of the HKU Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center, as well as the HKU Entrepreneurship Engine Fund, providing a one-stop entrepreneurial support platform to guide startups through the challenges of entrepreneurship. Additionally, HKU has implemented two new measures: reducing the equity requirement from 10% to 5% for startup licensing agreements, and increasing the distribution of intellectual property income to inventors from 33.3% to 70%.

港大宣布成立香港大學科創中心,以及港大創業引擎基金,提供一站式創業支援平台,引導初創渡過創業艱難時期。此外,該校推出兩項新措施,其一是把初創授權方的股權要求,由10%降低至5%;其二是把發明人的知識產權收入分配,從33.3%增加到70% http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=134686 //