// In July of last year, a 66-year-old man died after an accident in a restroom at the Hong Kong MTR Hung Hom Station. Last month, another incident occurred where a 58-year-old female patient died while lying in an accessible toilet at the Eastern Hospital emergency room. Faced with these consecutive accidents, people have been questioning if there are any methods to prevent such tragedies.

一名 66 歲男子在港鐵紅磡站洗手間失救身亡;上月再有一名 58 歲女病人在東區醫院急症室求診期間,倒臥無障礙廁所死亡。面對接二連三的意外,大家心裡都會有個疑問,有什麼方法可以避免悲劇發生。有本地初創疫情期間想到用科技幫手,成功開發一套方案,不過將方案落地先發覺,即使同樣都是洗手間,原來身處不同場景各有特別需求,看似容易的洗手間防跌,實行起來卻並不簡單。 https://unwire.pro/2023/05/26/washroom-ai-robotics/feature/ //