// 美國總統拜登計劃在數周內簽署行政命令,限制美國企業投資中國的部分關鍵領域,包括半導體、人工智能(AI)和量子計算,華府近兩年來一直討論這項措施,目前計劃在5月19日在日本廣島召開七大工業國(G7)峰會前後採取行動,由拜登簽署相關命令並正式公布

President Biden plans to sign an executive order in the coming weeks that would restrict American companies from investing in certain critical areas in China, including semiconductors, artificial intelligence (AI), and quantum computing. It is currently scheduled to be taken around May 19th, before and after the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan. Biden will sign the relevant order and make it official. http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=133165 //