思哲博齡尚淺,《隨筆》實際上還是個未足一歲的初生嬰兒。但Slashdot引述華爾街日報,原來我們已踏進博客十周年了。十年前,世界第一位博客Jorn Barger(他本人54歲了)及其博《Robot Wisdom》在美國誕生:

Several readers sent us notice of an article in the Wall Street Journal in advance of the tenth anniversary of the blog (by some definitions and accounts). The Ur-blogger in this version of history was Jorn Barger and the blog was Robot Wisdom.

Barger wrote, “I decided to start my own webpage logging the best stuff.” The Journal article has statements from a baker’s dozen of bloggers and/or blogwatchers and a handful of videos of bloggers talking about how and why they do what they do. ─── Slashdot

1. Blogging Is 10 Years Old – Slashdot
2. Happy Blogiversary – WSJ.com