// Recently, the HK gov has been actively promoting Web3. Would it be possible to invite HK writer Dung Kai-cheung and his Web3 publishing team to give a keynote speech at this year’s book fair? Could they sign books with NFTs or even use them as entry tickets for the book fair? According to Dung Kai-cheung’s description on his website, “this is not only a breakthrough in HK literature, but also in Chinese literature”. I believe this would be a great opportunity to showcase HK’s stories

最近港府狂推 Web3,今年書展,會不會找香港作家董啟章及其 Web3 出版團隊做個主題演講?手持 NFT 當成簽書會甚至書展入場票可以嗎?引用董啟章在網站的自述,「這不但是香港文學,也是華文文學的創舉」,我看一定可以說好香港故事 https://unwire.pro/2023/05/10/web3-and-nft-book-in-hk/feature/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=web3-and-nft-book-in-hk //